Texas instruments ti 84 plus silver edition battery covers
Texas instruments ti 84 plus silver edition battery covers

The calculator also has three arrow keys, plus a row of five keys immediately under the display that relate to graphing, tables, and functions. Letters of the alphabet also can be represented. These include a wide number of arithmetic, trigonometric, and algebraic functions (the TI-84 Plus did not solve calculus problems directly). The calculator has an array of forty-one plastic keys of diverse shapes, many of which can take on three meanings.

texas instruments ti 84 plus silver edition battery covers

These calculators replaced the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition (2001).

texas instruments ti 84 plus silver edition battery covers

These colored faceplates and covers, along with a larger memory, distinguished the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition from the TI-84 Plus also introduced in 2004. It also has alternate cases and keyboard faceplates in blue, pink, orange, and black. The handheld electronic graphing calculator has a gray plastic case with a sliding cover that can also serve as a stand, and a silver plastic keyboard.

Texas instruments ti 84 plus silver edition battery covers